-- a simpLe young --
im sorry first im not a perfect girl . i spill things a lot . im pretty clumsy & sometimes i have a Love and broken heart . but im always me . when i think about it & take a step back, i remember "HOW AMAZING LIFE TRULY IS" . and yeah u know , being UNPERFECT is better than all . so thats what i am :)
• i dont hate the copycat who imitate my style , bcause its mean im the TRENDSETTER :P and duh, just realize that ure my big fans ! hahaha :)
i ♥ to look at the stars( its really giving me a hope and calmness ). ok whatever , im just a girl and thats all i wanna be :)
Many people hve told me that i've changed . but the truth is
" i`ve think i just found myself "
You may say anything about me as you please , but i am what i am . and thats something that you can never be :)
im kinda carE person for peopLe around me . ((my fams ))(( my true friEnds)) (( my close freinds )) ((my enemy )) (( my boyfriend )) & YOU
so dont worry, u never lose my care . LOL
love is an allusion full of false , hopes , and dreams i thinks :)